April 22, 2020
Our Wednesday night bible study better know to BBC members as Dinner and Doodles.
Tonight's study takes us to another wilderness with another one of God's children. In 1 Kings 19, we'll look at Elijah's experience and 5 P's that show up in the wilderness:
Problems- There's a whole crop of problems that flourish in the wilderness.
Perspective- Our perspectives are often not very accurate in the wilderness. We can easily get disoriented in the way we see things.
Provision- God is a Provider for His children. His provision is just what we need and just when we need it, and He is not limited in any way with His resources.
Presence- Even sweeter than His provision is that God is present with us in the wilderness. It may not be in the ways you expect, but He has promised to always be with us and to never forsake us.
Purpose- And finally, there is a purpose for the wilderness, and more importantly a purpose for each one of us. Nothing is wasted with God!
Question: "When will the church reopen so we can meet again in person?"
Answer: As James 4:15 says, "We ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." So, while we don't know yet when we'll be able to meet again, if it's the Lord's will, hopefully, we'll be able to start with smaller gatherings sometime in May. Larger gatherings will likely still not be able to take place until later.
Please contact me or your deacon if you need anything (919-597-1819)
God's Peace,