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  • Writer's pictureWes McMurray

Romans 5: 12-21

Death in Adam, Life in Christ

June 23, 2019

1. Introduction

2. Death in Adam

  1. How am I in Adam? By Birth (vv. 12,15)

  2. How did Adam do? He failed (vv. 12-19)

  3. What did Adam bring to Me? Sin (vv. 12,19), Judgement & Condemnation (vv. 16, 18), Death (vv. 12,14-15,17

  4. Objection: That's not fair!

3. Life in Christ

  1. How can I be in Christ? By New Birth (v.17; see John 3)

  2. How did Christ do? Perfectly! (vv.18-19)

  3. What does Christ bring to me? Righteousness (vv.15-17, 19), Justification (vv. 16. 18), Life (vv. 17-18)

  4. Exclamation: That's not fair...that's a Gift (vv. 15-17)

4. Problem: "But I have so much sin" (v.20)

5. Good News: His grace does much more abound! (vv. 20-21)

6. Invitation


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